Past Performances
Here is information on past Santa Cruz area performances.
Photos by Steve DiBartolomeo
418 PROJECT, MAY 15-17, 2009
A concert of mathematically playful new dance works at the 418 Project in Santa Cruz, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 15-17, 2009, at 8 PM. Entitled “Imaginary Numbers,” the concert features “Harmonious Equations,” a new work directed and narrated by National Public Radio’s “Math Guy” Keith Devlin, and based on music composed and performed by Santa Cruz choral group Zambra. The concert will also include several new works by Schaffer, and guest choreography by Deanna Ross.
Click here to see Imaginary Numbers information |
Photos by Steve DiBartolomeo |
Fallout: Dances of War and Peace
Fri/Sat/Sun May 11,12,13, 2007
at the 418 Project in Santa Cruz
Choreography by Karl Schaffer, with guest works by Deana Ross and Kerstin Stuart, and guest performance by Kathryn Petak and Joe Pikalek.
Click here to see original press release |
Photos by Steve DiBartolomeo
Design: |
Twirl features new dances illuminated with the magical and the mathematical. Performances incorporate play with a variety of props: loops of rope, vaudevillian hats, five-gallon water bottles, and giant mathematical puzzle pieces known as tangrams. Dancers and creative collaborators include Saki, Rock Lerum, Fabricio Olsson, Gina Garcia, Shelly Adams, Lalu Simcik, Kristin Hoffman, and Kirsten Livingston. Musical scores include work by Berkeley composer Victor Spiegel. The concert also features performances by children from the Watsonville Charter School for the Arts.
Click here to see Twirl press release |
Photo by Clark Taylor
Writing in the Sky
Henry J. Mello Center for the Performing Arts in Watsonville
Friday, Feb. 27 and Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004, at 7:30 PM
Click here to see Writing in the Sky press release |
Photo by Clark Taylor |
2003 North American Tour |
Photo by John Bakalis |
The Bounds of Discovery
Cabrillo College Theater
Saturday, September 9, 2000
& Sunday, September 10, 2000
Dr. Schaffer and Mr. Stern premier their second two-man show, The Bounds of Discovery, on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 8 PM and Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 3 PM. This playful and engaging dance performance addresses the wonder that people bring to their discoveries and the messes that sometimes result. The Bounds of Discovery features highly physical choreography which interweaves wordplay, striking imagery, and audience involvement in the most unexpected ways!
Click here to see original press release |
Works by Mr. Stern and friends
Demolition Derby: When a Mind Loses Its License to Drive
An evening-length dance-theatre work about navigating dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
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